Sep 11, 2016The Mysterious Melchizedek, Rev. Carol McEntyre, 9-11-2016 First Baptist Church of Columbia MOPassage: Hebrews 5:1-10Category: Traditional Worship ServiceWatch
Sep 04, 2016Best Husband Ever, Rev. Carol McEntyre 9-4-2016, First Baptist Church of Columbia MO Passage: Genesis 12:10-20Category: Traditional Worship ServiceWatch
Aug 28, 2016Stardust and Promise, Rev. Carol McEntyre 8-28-2016 FIrst Baptist Church of Columbia, MOPassage: Genesis 11:23Watch
Aug 21, 2016Rev. Carol McEntyre 8-21-2016, First Baptist Church of Columbia, MOPassage: Luke 17:14-15Category: Traditional Worship ServiceWatch
Aug 14, 2016Rev. Carol McEntyre Aug. 14th, 2016 First Baptist Church of Columbia, MOPassage: Luke 11:1-13Category: Traditional Worship ServiceWatch