Children's Ministry
Welcome! Our goal is to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ by building relationships with them, being examples for them, and teaching them God’s Word.
We want your children to be full participants in the life of the church and to learn more about how to worship God through observation and participation. Throughout the year we provide outlets for children to both grow in faith and have fun. We want to assist you in the spiritual formation of your children. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rev. Brittany McDonald Null, Pastor of Families and Spiritual Formation at 573-442-1149 or by email
Preschool - 5Th Grade
We welcome you and your child, 4 years old through 5th grade to First Kids. On Sunday mornings, your child will be greeted by friendly teachers and bright, inviting rooms.
During Worship (9:15 am and 11:15 am)Children who have completed 1st through 5th grade are asked to worship with their families. A worship bag with a clipboard, coloring pages, and a children’s bulletin will be available for each child. We know that children will have the wiggles and we expect to both hear and see them as they participate in worship. It is okay! It is a tangible reminder that our church is growing and that they are active worshipers in our congregation!
During both worship services, childcare will be available for preschool and kindergarteners. Children can be checked in at the nursery. Children might go to the playground or gym, but will always begin in the nursery and the location will be clearly communicated to caregivers.
During the Spiritual Formation Hour (10:15 am)
Children, 4-years-old through completed 5th grade are invited to First Kids Sunday in the Children’s Ministry suite on the 3rd floor. Children begin in large group where they create, play, and connect with each other and the adult volunteers. Around 10:30 am, after centering prayer, and occasionally some songs, children move to their age-centered classrooms to engage in multi-sensory learning as they wonder about the Bible story through crafts, games, wondering questions, and more.
When you arrive at the Children's Suite, there will be a check-in sheet. We ask that a caregiver both drops off and picks up their child from this space or indicate if they will be transitioning to extended session for worship (birth-kindergarten).
Family Ministry Newsletter
First Kids and First Families have special events throughout the year including a Pancake Party, Easter Egg Hunt, Pentecost Celebration, ADVENTure, and Kids’ (Parent’s) Night Out. The best way to stay updated about all these opportunities as well as receive book recommendations, faith formation practices, and giveaways is to subscribe to our newsletter. Email to be added to the list.
Safety- Well being policy
All teachers are required to submit to a thorough background check. In addition, all helpers attend a training.