Brunch Worship 10:15 am Fellowship Hall

Sunday, September 04, 2022, 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Brunch Worship 10:15 am Fellowship Hall

Brunch Worship
Sunday, Sept. 4, 10:15 am
Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the LORD is good!” Brunch worship embodies this passage of scripture
as we gather around tables to share engaging worship, a scrumptious meal, and meaningful conversation! We
invite you to join us for the next Brunch Worship Sunday, September 4, at 10:15 am.
As you know, Brunch Worship is a communal endeavor, and you can contribute by bringing a potluck dish to
share and signing up to serve when you arrive. There will be no 9:15 or 11:15 am services. Childcare will be
available for children from birth through kindergarten. If you cannot attend in person, we invite you to join us
through Zoom and share a virtual table with other First Baptist folks.

Please remember to bring a Brunch item or two to share with the crowd.

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