Sermon Series - Your Kin-dom Come: Sermon on the Mount
Every Sunday, from 08/28/2022 to 09/25/2022, 9:15 AM - 12:00 AM
New Worship Series - Your Kin-dom Come - Begins August 28
Jesus gave his most famous teaching, the Sermon on the Mount, where he addresses subjects like murder,
adultery, divorce, prayer, and judging others in Matthew 5-7. His revolutionary ideas in The Sermon are
so challenging that some have labeled them aspirational yet unattainable. However, Jesus is known for his
practical wisdom. So, the Sermon on the Mount is not wishful thinking but innovative teaching that can deliver
us from the vicious cycles we get stuck in. Jesus shows us how to live in ways that bring wholeness and healing
to our human relationships. Your Kin-dom Come worship series begins Sunday, August 28.
If you want to go deeper, The Discussion/Faith Forum Class that meets in the parlor during the 10:15 am
Sunday Morning Small Group Hour will be doing a Bible study in conjunction with the series. You can join them
in-person or by Zoom. Contact the church office for the Zoom link.