Rev Dr Greg Hunt 6/16/2024, The Speed of Life- First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO

Jun 16, 2024

Rev Dr Greg Hunt 6/16/2024, The Speed of Life-  First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO

Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Greg Hunt

Category: Hybrid Service, Online & In-person

Keywords: time, grace, life, rest, balance, speed, pace, christian walk, stress, burnout, healthy, slowing, slow, shallow, hurry, sustainable


Scripture: Matthew 11:28-20 Summary: Our culture is addicted to speed, and most of us are too. Jesus invites us to slow down and learn from him the unforced rhythms of grace.


Title: The Speed of Life
Scripture: Matthew 11:28-20
Summary: Our culture is addicted to speed, and most of us are too. Jesus invites us to slow down and learn from him the unforced rhythms of grace.
Keywords: Hurry, speed, shallow, stress, balance, slow, slowing, grace, balance, time, pace, sustainable, healthy, Christian walk, rest, burnout, life

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