Rev Dr Greg Hunt 4/21/2024 Where is your sibling? - First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO

Apr 21, 2024

Rev Dr Greg Hunt 4/21/2024 Where is your sibling? - First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO

Passage: Genesis 4:1-16

Preacher: Rev Dr Greg Hunt

Series: What God wants to know

Category: Hybrid Service, Online & In-person

Keywords: love, compassion, family, genesis, home, anger, murder, envy, neighbor, abel, good samaritan, cain, ignorance, indifference, neglect, siblings, animosity, kin, kindship


· Summary: God’s question of Cain comes as a call to all of us to claim our kinship with all and live compassionately. · Keywords: Genesis, Family, Kin, Kindship, siblings, Cain, Abel, Anger, Animosity, Ignorance, Indifference, Neglect, Murder, Envy, Home, Neighbor, Good Samaritan, Compassion, Love

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