Rev Dr Greg Hunt 3/3/2024 Praise the mont - First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO
Mar 03, 2024

" Praise the mount " | T H E T H I R D S U N DAY I N L E N T Mountain peak: Peter has a moment of clarity and professes Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus affirms Peter’s proclamation by saying Peter is the rock upon which he will build his church and that Peter will be given “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19). A mountain peak represents this moment of clarity and affirmation along Peter’s wandering journey.
" Praise the mount " | T H E T H I R D S U N DAY I N L E N T
Mountain peak: Peter has a moment of clarity and professes Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus affirms Peter’s
proclamation by saying Peter is the rock upon which he will build his church and that Peter will be given “the keys
of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19). A mountain peak represents this moment of clarity and affirmation along
Peter’s wandering journey.