Rev Dr Carol McEntyre 11/27/2022 Vulnerability & Opening to Divine Presence- First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO
Nov 27, 2022

We experience Jesus in our midst now through the vulnerable gift of the incarnation, and our path of connection with Jesus is through our own human vulnerability.
This year our theme is Honest Advent. The Honest Advent theme is based around the work of Scott Erickson, a painter, illustrator, and self-described “creative curate.” His 2020 book, Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-with-Us Then, Here, and
Now, features his artwork along with 25 daily devotionals for the season. We invite you to come with an open mind and curiosity as we explore the themes of vulnerability, love, identity, embodiment, and participation. In addition, the art show, which accompanies the book, with its alternative symbols for the season, some of which are beautiful, others provocative and thought-provoking, will be on display in
our worship spaces and hallway. Through Erickson’s book, an art show, and worship services, we will ask, “is Christ’s
incarnation still happening in our midst?”
We experience Jesus in our midst now through the vulnerable gift of the incarnation, and our path of connection with Jesus is through our own human vulnerability.