Rev. Carol McEntyre, 9/15/2019, The Bible Isn’t as Clear as We’d Like It To Be, First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO

Sep 15, 2019

Passage: Luke 16:1-13

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carol McEntyre

Series: Fall Sermon Series- What is the BIBLE?

Keywords: wisdom, the bible, spiritual maturity, pete enns


The Bible isn't as clear as we'd like to be, which means it doesn't always tell us what to do or think. Instead the Bible pushes us toward the pursuit of wisdom because as Pete Enns says God is not a helicopter parent. God is a wise parent who wants us to grow up into mature disciples.


The Bible isn't as clear as we'd like to be, which means it doesn't always tell us what to do or think.  Instead the Bible pushes us toward the pursuit of wisdom because as Pete Enns says God is not a helicopter parent.  God is a wise parent who wants us to grow up into mature disciples. 

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