Rev. Carol McEntyre, 9/1/2019, At God’s Table Everyone is Important, First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO

Sep 01, 2019

Passage: Luke 14:1-14

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carol McEntyre

Category: Traditional Worship Service

Keywords: communion, service, power, humility


Jesus dreams that every person will find a place at the table. He wants those who have power and who CAN take the seats of honor to learn to humility and to put others first. He invites leaders, like the Pharisee, not just to surround themselves with important people, but to use their wealth, influence and power for greater hospitality and generosity. Jesus also has a message for those on the fringe or margins, people who may think they deserve the LOWEST place at the table. He says to them, "You are a child of God and that is a privileged status."


Jesus dreams that every person will find a place at the table. He wants those who have power and who CAN take the seats of honor to learn to humility and to put others first.  He invites leaders, like the Pharisee, not just to surround themselves with important people, but to use their wealth, influence and power for greater hospitality and generosity. Jesus also has a message for those on the fringe or margins, people who may think they deserve the LOWEST place at the table.  He says to them, "You are a child of God and that is a privileged status."

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