Rev. Carol McEntyre 8/25/2019,Children and the Kingdom of God, First Baptist Church of Columbia MO

Aug 25, 2019

Passage: Matthew 18:1-5

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carol McEntyre

Category: Awakening Service

Keywords: children, parenting, household codes


Jesus blesses, heals and interacts with children. They are a part of his life and ministry. Of all the people that come to see Jesus, the poor, beggars, Gentiles, women, sinners, the sick and the rich young ruler at no point does Jesus chose one of them as sign of the Kingdom God. Instead, he chooses a child as a sign of Kingdom. It is like he is saying, “Look these little ones are important. In the Kingdom of God, they matter."


Jesus blesses, heals and interacts with children.  They are a part of his life and ministry.  Of all the people that come to see Jesus, the poor, beggars, Gentiles, women, sinners, the sick and the rich young ruler at no point does Jesus chose one of them as sign of the Kingdom God.  Instead, he chooses a child as a sign of Kingdom.    

It is like he is saying, “Look these little ones are important.  In the Kingdom of God, they matter."   


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