Rev. Carol McEntyre, 8/18/2019, What's a Christian Household to look like?, First Baptist Church of Columbia MO

Aug 18, 2019

Passage: Colossians 3:11-20

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carol McEntyre

Category: Traditional Worship Service

Keywords: power, submission, marriage, hierarchy, household codes


The most important thing to know about this passage is Paul is not introducing a new ordering of the households. Instead, Paul is offering commentary on an already existing household code. Paul is inserting Christians values into what the Colossians would have recognized as Greco-Roman “household codes.” Ultimately, no matter what your family structure looks, you can apply the Household Codes most faithfully not by using them to reinforce power structures and hierarchy, but instead by using them to break down barriers and create a family where all members are valued and treated with respect.


The most important thing to know about this passage is Paul is not introducing a new ordering of the households. Instead, Paul is offering commentary on an already existing household code. Paul is inserting Christians values into what the Colossians would have recognized as Greco-Roman “household codes.” Ultimately, no matter what your family structure looks, you can apply the Household Codes most faithfully not by using them to reinforce power structures and hierarchy, but instead by using them to break down barriers and create a family where all members are valued and treated with respect.

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