Rev. Carol McEntyre 8/15/2021 Thriving for Racial Justice, First Baptist Church of Columbia MO
Aug 15, 2021

Sentence: White Christians are finally waking up to racial injustice in our country and for the first time, we are beginning to see how Christianity has been complicit in upholding racist systems.
Dr. Kevin Doughtery, one of the sociologists working on the Thrive project will be our guest during the small group hour.Dr. Doughtery is Associate Professor of Sociology at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. His research explores religious affiliation, religious participation, racial diversity in congregations, congregational growth and decline, and the impact of religion on other realms of social life such as community involvement, politics, and work. Specifically, he will be giving us an overview of the Thrive project and explaining the survey, which will be administered to our congregation in September.