Rev. Carol McEntyre 5/23/2021 Pentecost Sunday, First Baptist Church of Columbia MO
May 23, 2021

The Spirit is One who shakes things up and is a grounding force. Spirit, creativity, Hybrid-church, change, innovation
Prayer for Pentecost (responsive)
On this day when we remember the
Spirit who comes like fire and like a gentle breeze,
We pray together:
Come, Holy Spirit, come:
Enter our lives.
Free us from all fear.
Give us strength to carry on.
Give us hope and joy sufficient for each day.
Come, Holy Spirit, come:
Give us power to be the church.
Impart your many gifts to our members, that we may be the
body of Christ’s presence in the world.
Free us from all fear, and renew our life together.
Come, Holy Spirit, come.
Bind us close together.
May we rejoice with one another’s joys and
Weep with one another’s sorrows.
Bind us together, not only with the sheep of this fold,
But all of Christ’s people around this city and world.
Forgive the pride, prejudice, and self-righteousness
Which separate us from one another.
Come, Holy Spirit, come:
That all may be one in Christ,
Source of all true unity,
Who is with us today and always,
Even to the end of time.