Rev. Carol McEntyre 5/02/2021 The Good Life: Create, First Baptist Church of Columbia MO
May 02, 2021

Through this message, Pastor Carol invites you to think about creativity and the way it helps you connect with God.
Creator God,
Everything around us reflects your majesty:
the wind that bends the trees,
the creatures that fill the air and land,
the great planets and stars that light up summer nights.
Wherever we turn, we see your Divine splendor.
On the hearts of people, you imprinted your image.
So, we, your children,
have fashioned reflections of you
with our creative gifts:
art and architecture,
music and literature,
poetry and photographs,
children's stories and drawings,
Bach fugues and carefully tended gardens,
and food lovingly prepared.
What avenues of creativity do you pursue that you would add to this list?
Silence for reflection
These are our offerings to each other
in your name---
our unique way of saying
you are here among us.
Let us create new songs of praise to you, our God.
Let us discover fresh ways of proclaiming
your greatness and glory.