Rev. Brittany McDonald Null 11/6/2022 Brunch Worship- First Baptist Church of Columbia
Nov 06, 2022

Living into the Sermon on the Mount
Our Stance in the World (Matthew 7)
• Do to others as you would have them do to you.
• Realize that aliveness includes tough choices, and that thriving includes
• Don't be misled by religious talk; what counts is living by Jesus's teaching.
Group Discussion (10 minutes)
• Adults ask kids: If you were ruler, what would your number one rule be, and
why? I wonder why Jesus’ number one rule was to be kind…
• Kids ask adults: Do you remember who taught you the golden rule and why?
• Why do think versions of the golden rule can be found in many cultures and
The table was a centerpiece of Jesus’ ministry. He often shared meals with people. We invite you to join us this Sunday, November 6, at 10:15 am for Brunch Worship as we gather in the fellowship hall around tables to worship God through song, food, and conversation. For those who cannot be here in person, we invite you to join us through Zoom (link below) and share a virtual table with other First Baptist folks.