Combined Worship 10/27/2024 Youth Lead -“Where do I experience God" -First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO
Oct 27, 2024

Today’s service was planned and led by the First Baptist Student Ministry. For
the past 2 months, our students have met with church staff, reflected on Sunday
services, and devoted their Wednesday nights to planning and preparing for
today. They wrote their own messages and litanies, envisioned and prepared
the interactive prayer, learned how to run ProPresenter, selected music, and
practiced ushering. We want to thank those who met with our students to talk
to them about the service and who encouraged them throughout this process.
Their theme for the day was, “Where do I experience God.” As the Call to
Worship attests, God is experienced in a multitude of ways, in our spaces of
worship, in the faces of strangers, and in the hugs of friends. May this service
be one more way you experience God’s presence this week.
- Pastor Brittany