Caleb Cooke 3/24/2024 Palm Sunday - First Baptist Church of Columbia, MO
Mar 24, 2024
" Songs of loudest praise " | PA L M / PA S S I O N S U N DAY Music note with crescendo: This sub icon is a note overlaid with a crescendo symbol, which in music means to get louder gradually. As we find our footing in faith, we share and express our journey with more assuredness and confidence. We can sing loudly, like those shouting “hosanna” as Jesus enters the city.
" Songs of loudest praise " | PA L M / PA S S I O N S U N DAY
Music note with crescendo: This sub icon is a note overlaid with a crescendo symbol, which in music means
to get louder gradually. As we find our footing in faith, we share and express our journey with more assuredness and
confidence. We can sing loudly, like those shouting “hosanna” as Jesus enters the city.